Method of radical treatment of psoriasis

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In 1991—1992 the new method of radical treatment of psoriasis was worked out in Donetsk, Ukraine. The method is based on the discovery of etiology of psoriasis made at that time. The essence of this discovery lies in the fact that dropping of tonus of a human's vegetative nervous system appears to be of primary importance for the disease's development. On the basis of this discovery the new method of treatment was worked out mainly employing hydrotherapeutic procedures for treating the disease. The treatment is done by water. As water has the higher specific heat than the air, surrounding a person, hydrotherapeutic treatment raises the tonus of vegetative nervous system, exterminating disease's cause. Extermination of the disease's cause removes the effect, i. e. clinical signs of the disease. If patients take a complete course of treatment and strictly stick to preventive measures, they have no relapses of the disease.

In 1991—1992 the method was clinically approbated in Donetsk. The clinical approbation proved that 94 patients out of 100 ones, having been treated according to this method, recover, and 6 ones do not get better, which means that radical treating percentage equals to 94. Correctness of the discovery having been made, is confirmed by 100% of clinical cases. About 300 patients have undergone this treatment.

The main trait of the given method appears to be the fact that it is based on the new scientific discovery investigating causes of the disease. Both scientific theory and practice of treatment consider psoriasis as a skin disease now. Almost all methods of treatment influence the skin of a person. Besides, it is pointed out that the disease is connected with the state of psychics of the patient, i. e. it is determined by the state of cortex of a person. The essence of the described method lies in consideration of the disease as malfunction of vegetative nervous system. Vegetative nervous system is not the cortex itself, but the subcortex, i. e. the part of the brain lying under the cortex of major cerebral hemispheres. It is connected with higher nervous activity of the cortex of major cerebral hemispheres, but it is not the same phenomenon. The main function of vegetative nervous system, being disturbed because of psoriasis, appears to be securing constancy of inner medium of a human's organism.

Any living organism, a human one too, is a living system, which should stay in the state of dynamic balance for being alive. Such a balance determines the state of life, i. e. without supporting of constancy of inner medium human's bodies could just break down completely. The example of such constancy can be the following one: body temperature equals to +36,6—37 °C, this figure being the norm. Sufficient growing or falling of the temperature can cause a person's death. We can enumerate dozens of constant figures characteristic for a healthy organism. But inner balance should be supported by all means under constant changes in the outer medium. For example, in summer the temperature of the surrounding air equals to +24 °C, and in winter — to –15—20 °C. A person eats food, performs brain — and physical work, which demands energy, i. e. outer medium changes constantly — and its influence on an organism changes too. But — I would like to stress it once more! — the constancy of inner medium should be preserved. Because of this requirement there should exist a special system containing information on the changes in an organism which are to take place for supporting constancy of inner medium. This is the special task of vegetative nervous system.

After determining the cause of development of psoriasis the question arose which is the best way of elimination of this reason, and it appeared to be that the reason can be removed by water. Water has a very high specific heat, higher than the surrounding air, that is why while treating the disease with water, the operation of vegetative nervous system is restored, and skin faults, i. e. spots, and joints' affection disappear, and the patient is cured. Mind that we speak about complete curing, when all the displays of the disease disappear, and psoriasis never relapses. But it happens only after a patient's undergoing the full, sufficient long course of treatment, and if after its finishing he would take preventive measures aimed against relapse of the disease. Treatment and prevention are rather simple.
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